Contact and Bio

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I’ve always been a LEGOs kid, someone who color-coded graph paper to play with zoning laws while building mock cities. My first computer was an Apple IIE, on which I learned BASIC and LOGO essay template outline, and most of my artistic endeavors have been tactile. In short, I haven’t been drawing all my life. I started in 2011 when a broken arm interrupted my ability to transcribe 1:1 and I still compulsively needed to distill and disseminate ideas and conversations. From the mentorship and support of James Carlson from Milwaukee, I started doing visual thinking, also known as graphic facilitation. It’s how I represent ideas in a new way.

My own interests are wide and varied, all connected in one way or another, and all towards a better world. Most of my work is in the overlap of geeks and humanitarian or disaster response, and of hackerspaces and education. I’ve travelled the world since 2010 with Geeks Without Bounds, and now I’m doing research with the Center for Civic Media out of MIT’s Media Lab and Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society. You can learn more about my personal views on my blog. If your project aligns with what the world should be like, we can figure out how to work together. : LinkedIn : @willowbl00